Metalworking machines Hofmann Consult is the representative for Bulgaria for world-leading companies in the metal working industry: Companies and products for metalworking Die sinking machines High Speed 5-axis grinding machines Die sinking machines Wire EDM Start hole EDM machines Mass finishing (trowalizing) Dryers Centrifuges Small part coating Airblast machines Wheelblast machines Machines for coating and painting Single-wheel lapping machines, polishing machines, fine-grinding machines, flatgrinding machines Double-wheel lapping machines, polishing machines, fine-grinding machines, flatgrinding machines Profile grinding machines Deburring machines Multi-spindle automatics 5-axis tool grinding machines Centrifuge for the separation of cooling lubricants Chip crusher Circular sawing machines Bandsaw machines CNC-Turning machines CNC-Milling machines Conventional milling machines Conventional turning machines Konventionelle Werkzeug-Fräsmaschinen Laser Welding Systems Manual grinding and polishing Ultrasonic cleaning Systems Wolframcarbid coating machine Flat and profile grinding machines Thermal deburring